Registration Information
Registrations are accepted at the Administration Building, 74500 Burk Street, Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 2:30 PM. Required documents: original birth certificate, immunization records and two proofs of residency. Call (586) 784-2131 for more information.
To schedule a school building tour, call (586) 784-2112.
School of Choice
Open enrollment is closed at this time. Once your child is enrolled in Armada under our Schools of Choice program, he/she may continue to attend Armada Area Schools until graduation without annual approval.
In accordance with the rules of the Michigan High School Athletic Association, all non-resident pupils (including "Schools of Choice" pupils) are ineligible for interscholastic athletics for one full semester.
If you would like more information, call Sherri Cooper at (586) 784-2145 or if you would like to arrange a building tour, please call (586) 784-2112.
Thank you for considering Armada Area Schools as your "School of Choice."