Board of Education
Regular meetings of the Armada Area Schools Board of Education for 2025 will be held the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Official minutes of the school board meetings are stored and available for inspection in the Superintendent’s Office at the Administration Building. The schedule for meetings is as follows:
2025 Meeting Dates/Locations
January 21- Armada Middle School
February 25 - Krause Elementary Cafeteria
(4th Tuesday due to winter break on Feb. 18th)
March 18 - Armada High School Auditorium
April 22* - Safety/Academy - Gallery
(Note 4th Tuesday of the month of April)
May 20 * - Special Education - Gallery
June 17*
July 15 *
August 19 *
September 16 *
October 21 *
November 18 *
December 16*
* All other meetings will be held at the Macomb Academy of Arts & Sciences Gallery, 23211 Prospect Street, Armada, 2548005, unless specified in advance of each meeting.
Upon a 5-day advance request to the Superintendent's Office, the District shall make reasonable accommodations for a person with disabilities to be able to participate in a meeting.
Notice - Board of Education Workshop Meeting - 3-18-2025 - 4:45 p.m. Armada High School Rm. 42
Agenda - Board of Education Workshop - 3-18-2025
Notice - Board of Education Meeting- 3-18-2025 - 7:00 p.m. Armada High School Auditorium
Agenda- Board of Education Meeting - 3-18-2025