AHS Extracurricular Clubs and Athletics

To see all of the groups available in each category, click the + icon to the right of the category name.

Band and Orchestra (Mr. Bobek)

Jazz Band
Marching Band
Symphonic Band

Vocal Music (Mrs. Surzyn)

Concert Choir
Chorale (By Audition)

Theatre (Mrs. DiFonzo)

Intro to Theatre
Intro to Dance
Technical Theatre
Extracurricular Program (fall musical and spring play)
International Thespian Society (with qualified invitation/induction)
Michigan Thespian Festival field trip
Additional performance opportunities such as Improv/Cabaret Nights
Opportunities for adjudication and scholarships
Community service
Troupe Fun Nights!

Students Groups:

NHS – Mrs. Felcyn
Student Council – Mr. Rose
Robotics – Mr. Roys
Yearbook – Ms. Curcuru
Tiger Tutoring – Mr. Woznicki
Gender Sexuality Alliance – Mr. Becker


Book Club - Ms. Mazey
BPA – Mr. Moore
Equestrian Team – Mr. Defever
Dungeons and Dragons - Mr. Mirovski
Fishing Club (Contact Jenn Fllber for more information: ArmadaFishingClub@yahoo.com)
HOSA – Mrs. McCollom
Mock Trial - Mrs. Hughes
Quiz Bowl – Mr. Gosciewski
Programming Club – Mrs. Fiddes

Community Groups:

PAL Camp Leadership Team – Mr. Hundey
Global Travel – Mr. Hundey and Mr. Woznicki